It had been over 21 years since Jacob extorted the birthright that belonged to his older brother, Esau.  Jacob had also deceived his father, Isaac, into giving him the blessing which by tradition should have gone to his brother.

Esau was enraged after losing both the birthright and the blessing and he vowed to kill Jacob. With his mother’s help, Jacob fled to Haran where he worked for Uncle Laban. While there, God blessed Jacob with wives, children, and a large number of livestock, despite his continued deceptive and manipulative behavior.

Then one day God told Jacob to return home. In Genesis 32 we find him on his way, but extremely fearful that Esau would still be angry about the stolen birthright and blessing. In Jacob’s absence, Esau had become a powerful man with an army of soldiers and Jacob was afraid his brother would kill him and his family.

On the way home, Jacob encountered the angels of God.  He named the place where they appeared to him "Mahanaim" meaning “two hosts” as a memorial of the experience he had there with God.  Despite this supernatural revelation of the host of angelic beings that surrounded him, Jacob continued to be fearful concerning his circumstances.

Jacob also had the promises of God upon which to rely. He knew what God had promised him and even quoted it in his prayer saying, “The Lord which saidst unto me, Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee.”

Despite the angelic visitation and the promises made by God,  Jacob was still fearful as he prepared to meet his brother at a place called Seir--which means “rough or bristly.” That seems to be an adequate description of Jacob’s circumstances up to this point in time–rough and bristly. Jacob certainly had some deep soul-searching to do, so he sent his wives, children, servants, and all that he had over the ford at Jabbok and remained behind.

The meaning of the word "Jabbok" means “emptying or pouring out,” and that is exactly what Jacob experienced. As he tarried there alone, there came a supernatural being--the Angel of the Lord--who wrestled with Jacob until the breaking of day.  During the struggle, the Angel of the Lord touched the hollow of Jacob's thigh, causing a painful dislocation.  Despite the intense pain, Jacob continued to wrestle.  The wrestling match finally ended with Jacob’s name, life, and nature being supernaturally changed (Genesis 32:24-30).

Have you experienced a spiritual Jabbok?  God wants to change your life, but in order for this to happen you must--like Jacob--come to the end of yourself.  You must allow God to supernaturally touch your life and transform your entire nature.   Despite the difficulties of your past or the pain you are presently experiencing, you must persevere to receive the life-change you are seeking.


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Jacob was an heir to the covenant promises of Abraham, but he did not realize the truth of his position in God, so he struggled spiritually ...