After the experience recorded in Genesis 28, Jacob's troubles continued because he had not changed. He deceived and was deceived by his Uncle Laban, married two wives, had many family problems, and was a man who could not control his household. Same old Jacob.
Why had Jacob not acted upon the revelation God gave him at Bethel? Genesis 32 reveals several things that hindered him--issues that can also prevent you from receiving your spiritual breakthrough.
-Denial. Jacob ran away from situations instead of confronting them. He fled from Esau, then he fled from Uncle Laban (Genesis 32).
-Deception. Jacob was deceived into thinking that material blessings were evidence of God's favor (Genesis 32:13,20). God wants to bless you financially, but wealth alone does not indicate you are walking in God's favor.
-Fear of man. Jacob fled from his home in fear and he returned back home in fear (Genesis 32:7,11).
-Manipulation. Instead of trusting God, Jacob continually was trying to manipulate people and circumstances to obtain what he wanted (Genesis 32:7-8).
-Compromise. Jacob sought safety, acceptance, and his own will at any cost, regardless of the compromise required (Genesis 32:19-20).
-Relying on the arm of flesh. Jacob was continually manipulating his circumstances to achieve his own plans and desires (Genesis 32:1-2).
-Religion instead of relationship. Jacob knew the Lord as the God of Abraham and Isaac, but he did not really know Him as his own God.
Nothing had changed. Jacob had not yet comprehended or claimed the promises of God given to him some 21 years previously.
What about you? Are you denying problems by running away from them? Are you deceived into thinking that financial blessings are a sign of God's approval? Are you a fearful, manipulative, and compromising person? Are you relying on yourself or others instead of God? Do you really know God, or are you depending on religion instead of true relationship?
How long will you wait to make a change?
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