Impossible!  Amazing!  Awesome!  These are the terms that describe the covenant promises of Abraham that we have examined during the past weeks.  And these promises are yours through Jesus Christ!   But remember–just like an heir in the natural world must lay claim to their inheritance--these tremendous promises are only yours if you take possession of them.

As you will learn during the coming months, one major reason Israel was shut out of their Promised Land because of unbelief. At Kadesh-Barnea, God directed Israel to advance and take possession of the land that was promised through the Abrahamic covenant.  Caleb and Joshua encouraged them to do so, but when the Israelites heard the negative report of ten of the twelve spies,  their hearts were filled with unbelief (Numbers 13:30-33).

Israel refused to believe Caleb and Joshua.  They listened to the negative reports of the other spies which shattered their faith.  They did not believe they could conquer the land.  They refused to believe the promises of God.  Hebrews 3:19 declares that “...they could not enter in because of unbelief.” Israel had all of the covenant promises of Abraham. They had a scriptural foundation to claim their land, but unbelief shut them out.        

Why are the promises of the Abrahamic covenant not being manifested in the lives of many believers?  Because of unbelief.  They don’t believe these promises are for them.  We have studied the tremendous promises given to Abraham and learned how they are passed down to us, but if we do not believe and act upon this revelation, we will fail to receive it.  Just as unbelief shut an entire generation out of the promised land, it will keep you from taking possession of these promises.  Unbelief shuts off the supernatural life flow of God. 

One of the saddest examples of people shut out from experiencing the mighty manifestation of God’s promises is found in the Gospel of Mark.  Jesus did mighty miracles everywhere He went.  He healed the sick and raised the dead.  He opened blind eyes and cast out demons. Yet, when Jesus came to Nazareth, He could do no mighty works: 

And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them. And he marvelled because of their unbelief... (Mark 6:5-6)

Jesus was not limited in Nazareth because His power or anointing had been depleted.  The only thing that prevented these people from receiving the blessings of God was their own unbelief.  Whatever God says, believe it!  Do not let unbelief limit God’s work in your life or prevent you from receiving these promises.  Do not let unbelief shut you out.  If you have difficulty believing the promises of God, cry out as one distraught father did, "...Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief."  (Mark 9:24).

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Jacob was an heir to the covenant promises of Abraham, but he did not realize the truth of his position in God, so he struggled spiritually ...