God wants to give you a spiritual vision and reveal to you the purposes and objectives which will enable you to fulfill it.  As you experience the "birth of a vision" you will become a participator instead of a mere spectator in God's divine plan.

The natural birth process which brings a human baby into the world is similar to the process of the birth of a vision in the spirit world.  For the next few days we will meditate on the birth of a vision.  You will experience five stages as you give birth to spiritual vision:  Conception, development, travail, transition, and birth.

Conception.  "Conception" means to create.  A spiritual vision is created in your spirit by God.  Just as conception in the natural world occurs through intimacy, so intimacy with God is required to birth spiritual vision.

Development.  When you first receive a spiritual vision, it is in "embryo" form.  An embryo is a basic cell of life.  Like the development of the human embryo, God develops your spiritual vision as it grows within you.  The basic cell of life in a human baby is the embryo.  From it all the basic human features are developed.  If you try to change the embryo, deformity or death can occur to the child. 

God conceives the basic vision--a spiritual embryo from which all the features of the vision develop.  If you try to change the original vision, it will be deformed from the perfect plan of God or it may be aborted.  The vision grows and develops as you mature spiritually.  Its features will not be the same as yesterday, last week, or last month.  But you must never forget the basic embryo of divine purpose for which you are called. 

This development of a vision will be a stretching experience, as it is in the natural world within the body of a mother. If the vision does not develop, it will die.  Just as a mother carries her child within her body,  your vision is with you constantly.  It becomes a vital, living part of you.  It draws from your own life source as well as from the divine source which conceived it.

While the baby is developing, a pregnant mother will deny herself certain things that might harm the child.  As your spiritual vision develops, you may have to do this also.  You may need to deny your own plans and ambitions.  You may have to lay aside worldly attitudes and conduct.  You will have sacrifice time to prepare to fulfill God's purposes.

Have you conceived a vision of your divine destiny?  At what stage of development is your spiritual vision?  What changes should you make in your life in order for your vision to develop properly?


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