The Bible states in Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish." The vision to which this verse refers is spiritual vision. Spiritual vision provides direction. It provides challenge and structure for life. Without it, people become spiritually dead. Developing spiritual vision is the process of recognizing the purpose for which you have been brought into the Kingdom of God. Spiritual vision involves seeing beyond the natural world into the spiritual world. It is understanding the divine purpose of God and recognizing your part in His plan. Spiritual vision provides a clear image of what God wants you to do and then directs every step of your life towards achieving that goal. Believers who are spiritually "perishing" are in one of the following categories: -They do not have spiritual vision. -They have received a spiritual vision but have been disobedient to it. -They have a vision, but do not know how to fulfill it. They have tried and failed or perhaps have never tried at all. Why is spiritual vision necessary? Why do people perish without it? The answer is found in an account recorded in 2 Kings 6:15-17. God's people, Israel, were surrounded by an enemy nation who had many soldiers, horses, and chariots of war. When Elisha's servant, Gehazi, saw the great force of the enemy, he was afraid and cried out to Elisha, "What shall we do?" Elisha told him: Fear not, for they that be with us are more than they that be with them. (2 Kings 6:16) Then Elisha prayed that God would open Gehazi's eyes and allow him to see into the spirit world. The request was granted, and Gehazi saw the spiritual forces of God surrounding Israel. An important point in this story is that without spiritual vision the people of God cannot see beyond the natural circumstances of life. Like Gehazi, they are defeated by the powers of the enemy which they see at work in the natural world around them. Their vision is focused on their problems and their life becomes a cycle of crying out, "What shall we do?" Without spiritual vision, they cannot comprehend the divine plan of God. To reach your destiny, you must have vision. As you progress through this devotional guide, pray that your spiritual eyes will be opened and that God will give you a clear vision of His plan for your life.
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