We are meditating on the natural birth process and applying it to the birth of a spiritual vision.  The stages we have discussed previously were conception, development, travail, and the time of transition.  The final stage in the process is the actual birth.

The birth.  The development of a spiritual vision has an expected end, just as in the development of a human embryo.  That anticipated end is birth.  Your vision becomes reality.

Premature birth and delayed birth can result in death, both in the natural birth process and in the birth of spiritual vision.  Do not move ahead of God and do not lag behind. Keep right in step with Him during the birth of your vision and you will be well on your way to your divine destiny.

After birth in the natural world, a child needs constant care as it continues to grow and develop. After birth of a spiritual vision, that vision will continue to develop, but like a child you must protect and nourish it.  Your vision will develop different features and form, but every feature develops from that basic cell of spiritual life which is the vision.   

Let's review the stages of the birth of a vision upon which we have been meditating:


            -Conception:  Occurs during times of intimacy with God.

            -Development: Requires time and patience.

            -Travail: Difficulties arise as you near the birth.

            -Transition:  The most difficult time right before the vision is birthed.

            -The birth:  The vision becomes a reality.


Birth requires change.  In the natural world, the child must leave the security of the womb. When you were born-again you had to leave the old life of sin.  You had to let Jesus change your thought and action patterns.

Are you ready to receive spiritual vision?  Are you willing to experience spiritual travail in order to birth something new in your life?  If you are not willing, you had better read a different devotional guide. Once you glimpse the vision of your divine destiny shared in these pages, your life will never again be the same.

To give birth to spiritual vision also requires change. It requires courage to step from the known into the unknown.   And that brings us to Israel's story which began with a man named Abraham.

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