Your visit to this web page is not by accident.
We have prayed that God will guide special people to this site–those who are hungry for His Word and those yearning to be equipped to share the Gospel with others. We provide a FREE curriculum to individuals, to churches and to non-profit Christian organizations.
It is designed for the study to be done offline (in your home, church or school) and only the exams to be done online at the Harvestime International Institute website: You do not need to study “on the Internet”. You can just download the textbooks and study with friends.
The training materials are free. You can study them on your own, however they are best studied as part of a group.
We equip students with creative Bible study skills to enable continued study of the entire Scriptural revelation following completion of the core courses. We also provide Legacy Bible Outlines of all of the books of the Bible. But the primary focus of the core courses is teaching what Jesus taught to move men from vision to reality and the strategies revealed as His plan was initiated in the Church.